Meet the new Sarah Palin: Nikki Haley of South Carolina
As Sarah’s free-fall into political irrelevance accelerates, Bachmann has already replaced her as the right-wing Republican woman who might matter in 2012. But it’s Nikki Haley (pictured with Sarah above) who threatens to erase all memories of the Wasilla Weirdo.
[By the way, thanks to commenters and others who worry that nobody will care about THE ROGUE when it is published on September 20. Worry not. My publisher, Crown, is not concerned. In fact, the people at Crown are wildly excited about the book’s prospects, and growing more so every day. THE ROGUE contains enough startling new revelations–as well as my first-person account of what it was like to live next to Sarah last summer–to assure the sort of national interest that previous books about Sarah did not achieve. Major national media attention is already guaranteed, although I’m not permitted yet to get specific.]
But think longer term: Bachmann will burn out this year and next because she’s just as dopey and as enslaved to Dominionist Christianty as is Sarah.
Obama should be so lucky as to have Bachmann as his 2012 opponent. (No, he couldn’t possibly be so lucky as to have Sarah to wipe up the floor with next year: if he did, he might win all fifty states.)
No matter who it is, he’ll be reelected. Yes, you heard it here first. No matter how short the odds, bet Obama in 2012.
Current odds from Ladbrokes in the UK:
Barack Obama
Mitt Romney
Tim Pawlenty
Rick Perry
Jon Huntsman
Michele Bachmann
Sarah Palin
Rudy Giuliani
Herman Cain
Ron Paul
Newt Gingrich
Rick Santorum
Gary Johnson
Thaddeus McCotter
If you bet $1,000 on Obama to be reelected, you’d receive $1,500 the day after election day, 2012.
That’s a fifty percent return on your money in sixteen months.
I personally, of course, do not endorse wagering in any form.
Nonetheless, you might be interested in Ladbrokes’ take on the GOP nomination:
Mitt Romney
Tim Pawlenty
Rick Perry
Michele Bachmann
Jon Huntsman
Sarah Palin
Rudy Giuliani
Herman Cain
Newt Gingrich
Ron Paul
Rick Santorum
Gary Johnson
Thaddeus McCotter
Rick Perry, who hasn’t even said he’ll run, is 5/1, while Sarah, slipping fast, is 14/1 for the nomination.
But let’s look beyond the easy money Ladbrokes is putting on the table. Let’s look to 2016, by which time Sarah will be only that bad taste you might burp up if you ate too much pizza last night.
The GOP/Tea Party/hot chick meme will still be out there. There will be no incumbent President.
Beware Nikki Haley of South Carolina. The New York Times has just anointed her as the future of the Tea Party here.
And the Haley piece was written by Kim Severson, formerly of the Anchorage Daily News.
So she knows how this stuff can happen.
It’s not only Sarah Palin who cares about you.
Thanks, Joe.
Have pre-ordered your book. Can’t wait.
I’m thinking Liz Cheney will make her move for 2016. Like Palin and Bachmann, she’s somewhat attractive, has five kids, and is an ideologue. Plus, Republicans like candidates with family ties. Makes them feel like a monarchy.
Ewwww, Liz Cheney is Dick in a blonde wig…a total battle axe.
Thanks again, Joe, for all you do. It has been such a pleasure to watch your readership on the blog increase and support you. I am so looking forward to your book. I pre-ordered it from Amazon after reading “Never Enough.” That was quite a story. You have a wonderful way with words. I am very interested in learning more about Palin from your perspective. It is very gratifying to see the increased interest by you and countless others. I hope you can get a spot on Jon Stewart, he always has the most interesting guests. He enlightens us without lecturing us, about our crazy country. Keep up the good work, and I hope you don’t retire anytime soon.
Nikki Haley trumps [no pun intended] Bachmann and Palin in every category. Additionally, she’s not a religious freak. Time will tell whether she’s a political freak.
the GOP plan for 2012? plan for 2016.
Ah, Nikki Haley — fresh meat for the voracious bloggers to take down. I can hardly wait!
Not to worry about your book, Joe; I’m not cancelling my order even if Sarah is done. We still need answers. 🙂
I agree with you about betting, wagering, but the truth is that we are all betting OUR LIVES that Obama will win, must win. If he does not, all those important things we value will go downhill way faster than they have in the last few yrs (pre-Obama): redistribution of wealth, declines in social svcs and education — we all know this list all too well. If Obama does not win, we all stand to lose a LOT.
Good to hear that your publisher is going to make a big effort to get your message out. I too am very eager to read your book. Joe — did you know Dominick Dunne? When I was reading every blessed one of his books, I had not heard of you yet. I thought we needed someone like him to blast this apart, but his quasi-fictional approach is not as good as yours for this sad task.
Why is it that all of these candidates who were or currently are terrible at governing the states in which they were elected to do so, expect to be given the ability to screw over the entire county? Isn’t helping to ruin a state enough for them?
I didn’t like anything I read about Haley prior to 2010 and since then she’s confirmed the worst that was said about her was absolutely on target. Let’s talk about some intelligent Democratic women that are the future of the party and of the nation. Kirsten Gillibrand, Amy Klobuchar, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren and Susan Rice are all worthy of our attention now and in the future but we can’t forget the women who have worked tirelessly over the last two to three decades like Dianne Feinstein, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barbara Boxer, the Kennedy women and many others. Thankfully, we don’t seem to have any divas in the Democratic party like Palin.
I’m an avid reader from a family of avid readers that have always been active supporters of the public library system. I am happy to report that the Pierce County Library system in the Tacoma area has your book on order and I am #1 on the list of readers ! I’m looking forward to the bookmobile bringing it to me on a Saturday in September!
I too await your book. I really enjoyed your other books and know this one also will be interesting.
Nikki Haley is not as dumb as Sarah Palin but she’s close. She’s uniformed, backstabbing, she lies without blinking, lied on her resumes, she cheated on her husband and lies about it to this day, despite two men coming forward with details.. She screwed over Mark Sanford secretly (and he endorsed her), hired her friends and gave them raises as soon as she was sworn in January 2011(Sarah style), she has issues with the IRS -go figure, she doesn’t like to pay taxes. Oh and she has a “Todd” who also tried to interfere with staffing. She is an awful character and an terrible governor with higher ambitions (sound familiar?). I barely recognized the person being lauded in the NY Times article. While she was busy getting familiar with the Governor’s mansion/job running the state for the last 6 months, she has announced she found some spare time to write a memoir.
Let’s hope we learned from Sarah. No one likes this one.
Thank you Joe…Love your blog..I am also waiting for your book..Preordered ..Then i bought a kindel..I don’t know if it can be downloaded…on a preorder…
Sweet anticipation! I imagine the significance of The Rogue goes beyond Sarah Palin to an indictment of the political system and media that gave this hatriot a platform. It will be relevant whether she’s campaigning or hiding in a cave. Your media appearances could prove most interesting, indeed. Depending on the locations, perhaps you’ll consider allowing a few minutes for signing books for appreciative readers.
Dominick was a close and special friend. We were together every day during the OJ Simpson trial in 1995 and maintained contact long afterwards. He was one of the finest and most fascinating and witty and generous people I’ve ever known. Many were the times Dominick and I would walk along the streets of central LA near the courthouse, where homeless derelicts begged for money. Dominick gave something to everyone. He’d almost destroyed himself with drink and drugs years earlier and never forgot. “That could be me,” he’d say, handing a panhandler a dollar bill. What a beautiful man, and what a good friend. I miss him so.
Nobody and I repeat nobody compares to Sarah Palin.
Palin has to be the most unqualified mother, politician, human being in the world.
Sarah Jones has a great article today on Politicsususa.com re: GOP women candidates. Sarah is the voice of the future liberal women. She extends your analogy, Joe.
one thing people can be sure of in this lifetime and that is you will NEVER see a woman at the top of the presidential ticket of the republican party.
remember folks that there is no such thing as a “tea party”.
they are all republicans and while it might be a balancing act to keep the tea bag loons happy their influence is greater than their numbers because they are the fanatics, the Real haters who make their primary concerns all about harming “those” people even at their own and especially their children’s expense.(note how they support all wars the corporate mentality of profits over people and the destruction of unions and education)
the media especially fox news is relentless in pushing the far rights views and that’s why you see the idiot palin and bachmann used as appeasement and more importantly the conditioning of the american people whose curiosity and desire to learn is limited to the latest cell phone or fake reality show.
so the trick is to watch for the man…. that the media will anoint as having all these right wing qualities that everyone will be told are just what the country needs.
I expect romney to be “the” guy come 2012 but I do agree that obama will win re-election.
and that’s because obama has no resistance to continuing and expanding the greatest war that has already begun, but that’s a comment for another time and place………
its always the same old tired act
I’m disheartened that it takes YEARS to distinguish or at least diminish these cockroaches. But just like cockroaches, you can hit them with your shoe, but there’s always another one waiting right there with it’s dirty, disease-ridden right wing agenda! This scares me to death! I don’t want to live with that fear. 🙁
Thank you, Joe, for the Independence Day wishes, and same to you from Anchorage, Alaska.
I appreciate the odds list.
I am looking forward to your book and do expect it to be more substantial than the Dunn and Bailey books, which were confirmatory but not revelatory.
Also, too, this blog is fun! Please let your publisher know it is appreciated – especially for the fact that Sistah $arah checks in to get the pulse of her popularity, which seems to be committing a Kervorkian.
But she birthed a gay child.
That’s gotta be worth more than a DS or a miscarriage, donchathink?
I think Bob McDonnell, governor of Virginia, is as dangerous as Nikki Haley. He is a true right-wing fundamentalist (graduate of Regent U and real pal of Pat Robertson), but he’s not been involved in Haley-type scandals. He appears to be a very all-American, boy-next-door moderate Republican. He is NOT.
During his time as a delegate in Virginia every bill he presented was on social issues, and those were all fundamentalist in nature. While he was Attorney General, he started to “lay low” on social issues so that when he ran for governor in 2009, he could claim to be more moderate. It worked. Virginia voters didn’t pay attention to his record, and he came out of the “moderate closet” the day he was sworn into office.
He’s also closely allied with Fred Malek and the Kochs.
I loved Dominck Dunne and wish he was still around. Loved his show and the way told a story. He was an example of courage and the ability to rise from the ashes…..amazing man.
Star, pre-ordering Joe’s book for the Kindle is a terrific choice as it will be available right on the day of release. EARLY on the day of release. Instant gratification! You can also download the book to your computer (or iPhone or iPad). I am eager to read it and know it will be a page-turner and I bet I’ll be sneaking reads all day the day it comes out!
I think you mean someone else? Liz’s sister is gay.
Thanks for that picture of him, Joe. I’ve read his stuff for a long time; partly because I liked his approach, “quasi-fictional,” as the previous poster indicated (although I thought of it as gossipy, which I like) – but I think you showed what I thought: there was a heart of gold beneath it all.
I have a feeling he would have adored this $Palin celebri-pol-tard and would have had many a field day with her shenanigans.
In the memory of Dominick Dunne, I hope you uncovered *it all.*
Sorry I disagree completely on Haley. She has too many skeletons not buried deep enough to run for President. If she does, the GOP electorate will have to forgive her at least two affairs – she will have to come clean, apologise, become ‘born again’ or something and hope for their support. Far too humiliating for someone like her. I don’t know alot about her governing but she strikes me as a proud woman that prides herself on maintaining a perfect image. I don’t know about you, but if I had anything like that to hide I’d never run for any sort of public office in the fear it would become news, let alone run for President and have the whole world regaled with intimate details of every sexual encounter! (and they would, one man that claims an affair gave details of every incident, her car, where her feet were, what position he was in etc etc)
No thanks!
(Though one can never underestimate the gall
of republican women. After all Scarah ran for VP
with HER field of hastily buried skeletons over her head!)
Problem is these Republicans have no sense of shame. Fueled by ambition, winning is the be all and end all.
I was hoping the party would self implode….damn.
Happy Fourth of July to you too, Joe, and all of your readers. Thank you for the heartfelt tribute to our troops.
Hardly a laughing matter, but it’s worth remembering what $arah Palin pulled on her constituents two years ago today – here is William Shatner’s rendition of her resignation “speech”, as performed on Conan O’Brien’s show:
I am a pessimist by nature, but I don’t see President Obama losing to anyone in 2012. I even think the Dems have a 50/50 chance of taking back the House in 2012. Why? Because the Republicans have overreached and the American people have taken notice.
Republicans campaigned in 2010 on getting our economy back on track (that means JOBS). However, when given a majority in the House, they have yet to put out a jobs bill. They passed a bill to eliminate Medicare; they keep talking about closing down family planning clinics and in several states, have voted to eliminate funding for Planned Parenthood (one sure way to increase the welfare roles and the abortion rate is to deny contraceptive services to low-income women). In the States, public employees, this would include police, firefighters and teachers, have become Public Enemy #1 in Republican Legislatures. From Scott Walker in Wisconsin to Rick Scott in Florida, Republicans in the States have done a lot of damage to their brand. My point is, we hear nothing of jobs or the economy from most Republicans. We do hear that rich people are not rich enough and need more tax cuts. In the meantime, homelessness, forclosure, job loss and other calamities are hitting real American families each and every day. And of course, there will be no more extensions of unemployment benefits because, in the view of most Republicans, workers would rather collect unemployment than get a job.
As the election of Scott Brown, a Republican from Massachusetts to the U.S. Senate was a harbinger of the Republican victories in 2010, the Democrat winning NY 26, a very Republican district in upstate New York, should also be considered in predicting the mood of the nation for the 2012 elections.
I don’t know much about Nikki Haley of South Carolina, but I do know that she will not be the President on Friday, January 20, 2017. Four words for you Joe on who will be the one to put their hand on the bible on that fateful day: PRESIDENT HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON. I would be delighted to make book on that today (if you endorsed wagering, which of course, you do not).
When Hillary wrote her book, ‘It takes a Village’, she did not mean the Village idiots (Paliln, Bachmann and Haley).
Haley is a political freak. There is not a lot of love for Nikki in her state no matter all the accolades.
She’s been proven a liar and many have buyer’s remorse. She’a a bagger but the
test will be if she pisses the other powers that be off in her state. She’s like Mark
Sanford—and he was not loved. Nikki and Mark are what happens when the GOP
has a steadfast stronghold in a state. Idiots and people with HUGE baggage get
Joe, you give us hope as usual! The last screech Sarah gave after her film presented in Pella, she actually said, “we’re going down with a fight” and again she repeated, “don’t need a title” to blah, blah…….
I think she projects what she knows in her gut, that she won’t make it. She is preparing her bots for disappointment. She does pal around with some other crazy and slimy people like Andrew Brietbart, who has no problem with dirty tricks. Who knows what Sarah will come up with next? Can the bus tour continue? Will the wrap around the bus have to be changed because of “One Nation” belonging to another group?
Knowing that Sarah has begun to go down by being exposed to the public using her own words and antics, it is easier to watch her slow collapse without a nagging worry that she just may get a position to cause havoc for our country.
Happy holiday to all, enjoy!
I live in South Carolina, and trust me, she is a political freak (she’s Sanford’s protegee) and is not well liked here. She only got the nomination because she played the victim card “The good ole boys are picking on me because I’m a woman!” and won the election because it’s tough for a Democrat to win in SC no matter how rotten the GOPer opponent is. If Haley tries to run for POTUS in 2016, unless she changes her ‘bagger tune, and works FOR South Carolina instead of working us over (like Sanford) she won’t get far.
I understand the GOP desperation for a “savior” to beat Obama in 2012, or at least to win in 2016 when there won’t be an incumbent (assuming Obama wins next year). They are too desperate, and are clinging to Perry, Christie and Haley, all governors who have poor track records and sinking poll numbers.
Everything I’ve read indicates she’s doubling down on her denial of the affairs in her book. Again, very similar tactic of Sarah Palin.
Nikki Haley (and Bobby J) can change their names and ape right-wing white-ass ways, but they will always carry that whiff of brown-foreignness that Republicans just can’t get over. Their prejudices run too deep. So what’s happened to the Bush-Cheny-Rove machine? Did they get so rich or so burned on W that they’ve bowed out? Or has the Christian Right surpassed their masters in political skullduggery? (The Christian Right’s not too keen on Hindu/Muslim heritage, either.)
Nikki Haley certainly takes her new-found christianity to heart: http://www.religiondispatches.org/dispatches/candacechellew-hodge/3624/nikki_haley%3A_churches_should_take_over_universal_pre-k_education/
Haley famously is cited as being Methodist (in spite of being raised as a Sikh) , the denomination to which her husband belongs.
I love Hillary and I would love to see her as President, but I fear she is going to retire soon. Maybe not.
Love Kirstin Gillabrand, my Senator.
Please don’t forget Nancy Pelosi. As much as the repugnants attacked her you never saw her playing the victim. She was one of the most effective speakers of the house in my lifetime. She’s an attractive, classy woman that has a unmatched savviness for politics. She is a woman that lives up to the things rabid palin fans say about sarah. I believe she was such a threat to the good old boys of the gop that they were constantly trying to drag her down. She is one of my personal heroes.
Sometimes I think the promotion of women like palin, bachmann and other women of their ilk by the republicans is a vast right wing conspiracy. By putting these nitwits on the national stage they strip women of their credibility.
Talk about rightwing hypocricy: http://www.cleveland.com/schultz/index.ssf/2011/07/an_anti-abortion_ohio_legislat.html
Debbie is a firebolt, but repubs are working overtime to destroy her. I don’t see her as a future candidate for president, not that I wouldn’t love to see her there, she’d be fantastic, just like Russ Feingold, but neither will be able to run.
I have a question about the Kindle. The screen is different than other readers like the Barnes & Noble one. My eyes are tricky, and I find that I read better online than from a physical page. Taking into consideration the different screens for the E-readers, which one would you recommend?
It would be best if you try them out in a store, as the e-ink technology (Kindle) is very different from a backlit screen (other readers). I have poor eyesight and what I like best about reading on the Kindle is the lack of glare, the ability to control both font size and line length and–and this is a big one for me–the ability to read outdoors, even in bright sunlight. It’s also very light weight, which I appreciate. The disadvantage of the Kindle is that you’ll need a light source to read at night, just as with a paper book.
Hooray for eBooks of all kinds as they enhance my ability to read terrific books like Joe’s.
Joe, I agree with you about 2012, but I’ve been saying that for 3 years. Obama is a 2 term president and the next chance Repubs have is in 2016. I will even glance back to last election and say that THAT was also in the bag. That’s why the GOP took a broken down old man who was carrying his own luggage on a train and let him run against Obama.
As far as a woman president, I will say this: If HRC, with dues paid, money and clout, facing a weak opponant, couldn’t get the Dem nomination, then I think it will be hard for any Dem woman to. A couple decades ago, I said to people, the way this country is, the string of white males elected to the Presidency won’t break in just any order. I predicted a black president before a woman president, and guess what, it has come to pass. Next I predicted the first woman president to be a republican, and I think the odds of that are pretty good from where I sit. Third in line will be either a hispanic male of either party or a democratic female, possibly also hispanic. There will be no jewish president. There will be no muslim president. A mormon president, not likely, certainly not this election, but could happen someday.
You can purchase a “kindle cover” which has a pull out light on the upper right corner. This is what I have and I find it is quite sufficient for reading in the dark. I got mine on Amazon.
well the first thing that comes to my mind joe is that americans will not elect a president with the porn star name ‘nikki.’ interestingly enough, if she spelled it ‘nicki’ she could probably get away with it. but the 2 k’s… that’s a porn star name. yes, we currently have a president with an unusual name, but his name does not elicit visions of a porn star.
Thanks for the lovely Dominick Dunne story, Joe! And happy “Fourth” to everyone on the blog. This is a special day for me as it’s my first Fourth of July as a U.S. citizen. I moved to America from Newcastle, England, as a child but, as much as I love this country, I wanted to stay true to my English roots. That all changed in 2008 when I wasn’t able to vote for our awesome president! So I began the long process of citizenship which included mountains of paperwork, flying to Honolulu for fingerprinting then back a month later for swearing-in on 7/7/10. I would’ve even crawled on broken glass if there was any around. The Hawaiian flag contains a “Union Jack,” so I’m still at “home,” and I will be first in line in 2012 to vote for President Obama’s second term! So let the “mean girls” do their worst. They’re a pathetic footnote in the great and divinely inspired history of the United States of America.
Happy Alaska Independence Day, July 3rd!
Also known as Quitter Day, the day we were set free of the Worst Governor Ever Sarah Palin!
I just love the way you’ve set this all up like a horse race, with odds and all!
The SC House and Senate, both with Republican majorities, have overwhelmingly overridden most of Queen Nikki’s budget vetos. She’s not well liked here.
Emrysa, Nikki’s given name is Nimrata, which certainly wouldn’t play well in some circles. Interesting that her website during the campaign used to tout her Indian heritage, but then was changed to scream Christian, Christian, Christian!
I’ve been following her since Palin’s endorsement, and it’s been quite the sideshow. One of the men who supposedly had an affair with her released his phone records showing conversations between the two of them in the middle of the night (for two or more hours). Other witnesses saw her car outside his townhouse late at night. None of it stuck, however, because she played the victim card beautifully during the campaign.
I also find it odd that someone who claims to be a CPA would have such extreme tax issues. She was the accountant for her family business and they were penalized for not paying employment taxes for years. She also apparently mischaracterized her parting of the ways with a local hospital, where she served as an administrator. Weird stuff, for sure.
And now she bars her “enemies” from attending an event that’s traditionally been open to everyone? I think she’s trying to take a page out of Palin’s book with her aggressive stance, but she fails to see (like most other Republicans) that Palin was popular precisely because she did work with both parties towards a common goal. Once Palin became so polarizing, that was the end. I predict the same for Haley.
Happy Fourth of July, DKey! What a great story. I only wish more of our citizens had your commitment to this country’s finer principles. You’re an inspiration.
Congratulations, DKey! I am a naturalized citizen too. So glad we will have your vote next time!
Replying to Tan (long time, no see!), I think the modus operandi is to deny until it’s impossible to deny anymore, then claim that you repent and are forgiven by God, so you can go ahead and do some more of what you were already doing.
Yes Liz…I bought the reading light thru Amazon..under $20.00..It clips on..Well worth it.
Amazon also has an app for pc that allows you to see your book on the computer. The same advantages about being able to change the font, but you are also able to change the color somewhat to make it easier to read. With a computer screen, you can see more text and change pages less frequently. I have a friend that has rheumatoid arthritis in her hands and she appreciates not having to hold the kindle, having the larger screen, and being able to push the right or left arrow keys to change pages. The buttons on the kindle are designed to be pushed with the thumbs and hers have deteriorated to the point of being pretty well shot.
Happy 4th of July to all and Joe, I can’t wait for your book! In a way, Sarah helped with the publicity for your book by falsely accusing you of being a peeping tom…she’s her own worst enemy.
Hello Joe and Happy Quitter’s Day and an early Happy 4th of July. Then, Joe, if you want an early start on a good book, racy, illuminating, and in a position to prevent further damage to the United States as we know them, you might want to look for a rental near Nikki Haley in S.C. I personally believe the reports that she had affairs (too much smoke not to result in some real piece of meat = pardon the pun). I too think she is very much like Mark Sanford and I think she will ultimately be bad for SC and very bad for the U.S.
And personally I think Liz Cheney is nothing but a mouthpiece for her Daddy and as soon as he expires (and though I am Christian, I do sometimes find myself wishing that to be sooner rather than later – let’s just say that I think he is a little quieter now and though I know for each of us our days are numbered here on Earth, I think his have been shortened: my point, Liz will disappear, fade away, as soon as Daddy is gone.
Move to S.C. Joe after your book on Palin is released, is a big hit (and I think it will be) and we can relax a bit!
This is OT, but I was curious as to how Track maintains his anonynmity is this constant barrage of media coverage. He rarely makes headlines and is seldomly discussed. It’s almost as if he doesn’t exist. It’s eerie as to how their is such silence on one of the Palin clan when all Track’s other siblings have gotten their feet wet in celebrity stardom. How does he do it, and why? How does he get his Mother to give him a free pass from pulling him into the fray? Curious…
Palin has proven herself to be a cold, lying, vindictive and disqusting opportunist. No matter what she does or says or tries to spin, we don’t believe her and we’re offended by her shallow, cold nature. On the other hand, President Obama and the First Lady show grace, warmth and loving family ties. Even when I’m not sure if he’s doing the right thing or not doing enough, I still feel safe and confident with him as president. I pray I never find out otherwise. Even when I see him holding babies I cannot help but smile and feel good inside .(immoral minority has great baby pics!) If someone gave me free tickets to meet palin, I’d decline. I don’t ever want to share the same air or energy as her. There’s no love there. There’s greed, there’s secrets and theres’ a whole lotta broken kids there. There’s no love in that family no matter how she tried to spin it with her failed reality show or fake stories. How can people like her even begin to understand the collective hearts of the American people. We may screw up and have our failings but overall the majority of us in this country strive for the good of all mankind and we start within our families, loving and protecting our children and trying to teach them to be caring and productive adults. And THAT is where a nation becomes a beacon of light – it starts in the home, in the family and in our hearts. And we get it….and we KNOW a phony when we see one. Her presence has been toxic and I’m so glad her daughter’s book failed, her bus tour failed and her book signing failed. Because she’s set our country back with her racism and her dismal attempt to be “every woman” that sent us back to the 50’s and even worse. Her utter lack of intelligence and accountability will never be forgotten and it shouldn’t.
He’s basically a shy guy. He has never wanted to be part of his mother’s media circus. He wants to make his own way at his own pace. I think he deserves respect for having the character to say no to fame.
I agree wholeheartedly. He’s shown tremendous character.
I agree, Sunnyjane, about Bob “for jobs” McDonnell. When he was a delegate, he lived in my neighborhood. Squeaky clean right wing fundamentalist who I believe is being groomed for the presidency. Very scary individual because he’s not stupid like Haley. He bears watching.
Congratulations, DKey and Happy 4th of July to you and everyone here at “Joe’s Blog”!
Thanks for the reminder, my apologies for overlooking the most accomplished Speaker of the House ever. I’ve long been an admirer of hers.
I don’t see Debbie as a Presidential candidate, either, but I do see many of these women holding positions in the President’s Cabinet, possible Senate & House majority leaders, Ambassadors, etc. Democratic women have long been setting the bar for women in politics and continue to aim higher. I’m looking forward to seeing our first female President, possibly one of these women or someone I didn’t mention or maybe hasn’t yet made their mark in politics.
Mom Lynn has a gay daughter.
And don’t forget — if all else fails, there is always “revirginization.”
Track is probably still looking in the mirror and then at pics of his dad and wondering….what a sad thing.
I agree – he’s shown a lot more moxie then the rest of them.
What are you talking about? For three years now I’ve heard the rumors and unsubstantiated, cheap gossip that Track is really the son of Curtis Menard. Frankly, I’m tired of ugly innuendo. It cheapens this site and it distracts from real questions about and criticisms of Sarah Palin and the mainstream media that has enabled her.
This is not only for you, Sharon, but for everyone: Either put up, or stop it.
This comment section was never intended to be a gutter into which anyone could dump anything they’d ever thought or heard or fantasized or theorized about any or all of the Palins.
I continue to think there are legitimate questions to be asked about Trig’s parentage.
I do not think there are legitimate questions to be asked about Track’s.
If anyone has information to the contrary, please let me know. I’m always willing to change my mind.
If not, I don’t want to hear any more about Curtis Menard being Track’s father. Henceforth I’ll block or delete any comments that make that unsubstantiated allegation.
He probably doesn’t cooperate because he doesn’t want to. Recall his less that satisfactory appearance in Sarah Palin’s Alaska special on TLC, and that was edited for inclusion. Imagine what the outtakes looked like.
Also, below, note Joe McGinniss’s request to refrain from speculating about who his father is. I’ve seen all those comparison pictures too, but come away each time pretty sure he’s the natural child of Todd Palin and Sarah Heath. Again, in agreement with McGinniss, there ARE lots of legitimate questions to ask about the parentage of Trig Palin.
Well Joe, it’s your blog so I’ll respect your wishes here. However, I think you came down on me kind of hard for what I believe to be true. It wasn’t a cheap, gutter shot. There’s a lot of information out there on other blogs from people that believe it to be true and why they do. And it’s based on an interview Todd gave about that timeframe right before they married regarding a fishing trip he was on, the time he was out of town and the subsequent birth of his son and how the timeline didn’t match up. A few other things connected to the theory also suggested to me there was truth in it. In my opinion, the info that was discussed on various other blogs didn’t strike me as mean spirited, ugly/empty accusations…it made sense. It’s all circumstantial just like the Trig story and timeline.
Joe, I also respect your blog but SP’s own timeline as dictated in her book doesn’t add up. Additionally, he looks just like the guy (Curtis).
The best part of your article today is in the second paragraph, where you say, “THE ROGUE contains enough startling new revelations–as well as my first-person account of what it was like to live next to Sarah last summer–to assure the sort of national interest that previous books about Sarah did not achieve.”
I’m convinced Sarah is “done” politically but IMO, every foul deed that she was responsible for, whether personally or professionally, needs to be exposed so that the country will understand what the GOP was willing to put in the White House. Sarah is what she is – our prisons and gutters are full of people like Sarah Palin. But we have the right to expect more from a major political party and from McCain, who as the GOP nominee, should have had more respect and concern for the country than to put someone like her on the ticket.
I haven’t pre-ordered “The Rogue” but it’s at the top of my Wish List on Amazon. I can’t wait. Thank you Joe.
Does Nikki Haley claim to be CPA? I looked up the South Carolina Board of Accountancy website under the name of Haley and there were no matches. Nikki Haley is not a CPA, but I do believe she claims to have an accounting degree.
Happy 4th of July to you Joe and to all the commenters, veterans, active duty personnel and to all those in uniform currently in the war zones.
God Bless the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence. It took real courage to sign that document and send it to the King.
I agree with both of you. Joe doesn’t want the blog comments meandering, and you’re bringing up something which to me, seems just as valid as the Trig thing. It seems to me if a writer is going to question one, why is the other one off limits? However, staying OT will help.
Having said that, I’d like to also point out that Sarah Palin’s career is entirely based on her family, which she throws out there as part of her qualifications for office. Her daughter is following suit and using her own pregnancy to generate income. Now this child thing has spread to the GOP at large, as the Repub candidates comically try to out-quiver-full each other, and Bachmann throws out her foster kids. So is it more relevant than ever? Yes.
One final comment. Questions of paternity, in general, are not necessarily wild, unlikely accusations. Women DO have children not belonging to their wedded husbands, and it’s pretty widespread.
If readers want to pursue the Nikki Haley story in this post, they might read:
Politico has a good article on Haley. I think we have only scratched the surface with her. She has only been in office for a short time, but she is really very scary. Of the three on my mind – Palin, Bachman, Haley – I think Haley could be the most dangerous. She is not such a loose cannon as the other two, but some of the ideas she is implementing are a real shock for her state.
I think we could limit ourselves still further, leaving Trig’s BioParentage out of it, too. The part that I think is totally relevant is that Palin was not pregnant with him, as stated.* That she hoaxed a nation during an election, in an attempt to sway the election with that hoax and what it represented. To me, it’s all about Palin’s actions, Palin’s lies, and not at all about Trig, his BioParentage, or Palin’s family and their various issues and activities. All that may or may not be discussed elsewhere. But our national dialogue should limit itself to our politicians and the candidates for office, their statements and positions — and keep the families out of it.
*The “as stated” part is really relevant for me: if Palin (or anyone) has odd issues regarding family matters, I prefer they keep them in the family. I do not want to pry into that — TMI! I want to respect family privacy. But if a candidate announces family issues and builds a platform on them, then they become relevant to the discussion. Even so, we the electorate can refrain from discussing all that is put before us — like the irrelevant aspects of Palin’s dysfunctional family. But we certainly can and should address flagrant lies and deceptions, as well as this election hoax without precedent.
I think what we are seeing now is that the choice of Sarah Palin as a legitimate VP candidate by the Republicans has set the bar so low that we now seriously consider candidates that are completely unqualified as being legitimate just because they aren’t are screwed up as Sarah Palin.
If anyone had told me two years ago that Michele Bachmann would be taken seriously as a potential presidential candidate I would have wondered what they were smoking.
But here we are and the comparisons are constantly being drawn to the fact that Bachmann does Palin between then Palin did and therefore is a better candidate. Ditto Nikki Haley.
I LOVE Nancy Pelosi. She’s done so many v hard jobs sooooo well.
Mr. McGinnis – I don’t celebrate american holidays but thank you for the greeting as I have commented on your blog and it is one of my favorites. I wouldn’t care if you had any advertising for your book, I would hunt it down and buy it no matter what. I am sure it is going to be everything and more than what we all hope for. From Track to Trig, before and beyond, I believe her sly, stupid, vicious, cold blooded, treacherous and damaging lies will be exposed. Whether its sooner or later (we want sooner) though, the BEST news will be she has gotten what she really deserves: just her more than mediocre life out of ANY public eye, and a complete persona non grata status. It also would be gratifying to see justice served by her wearing jail clothes for all her illegal acts. The spoiled stinking rotten middle aged brat sarah palin is not elite nor special. She does NOT deserve ANY free passes. She brings to mind rats and bubonic plague. There might be ONE holiday I would celebrate and that would be “sarah palin’s Quitter Day in Alaska”. BIG CELEBRATION!
Nikki Haley is definitely another heartless corporate rightwinger, but she has some similar problems as Sarah Palin. Namely, she is not popular within her own party. The base likes her, but not the GOP power machine in South Carolina. They think she’s a hypocrite who, like Palin, called loudly for ethics and transparency but is suspected of some serious ethical lapses herself. I don’t think she’ll get further than the governorship. I also wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t secure a second term.
And I should probably temper my statement that she’s well-liked by the base. She only has 42% approval ratings in the state right now. Considering that she’s a fairly new governor and that South Carolina is a decidedly red state, that’s not good at all.
What a moving tribute to Mr. Dunne. Thank you.
I read a newspaper article where she said the reason why she chose the person she did to head up South Carolina’s Labor Department was because she wanted someone to help her “fight the unions.” A sitting governor, wanting to fight the people’s rights to negotiate their time and talent. Wow. Scary indeed.
I continue to hope this book or another reveals some startling revelations about how Sarah Palin funnels the money her supporters give her PAC for her own personal gain AND how she and Todd became millionaires – on paper, anyway – before she became a national celebrity. Because they could not have achieved that on their combined two salaries at the time. A comfortable life, yes, but a mansion on the lake, two vacation properties, a private plane, and scores of expensive “toys”…no.
Because the only kind of revelations that will bring this woman down are the kind that lead to her being led off in handcuffs.
Many experience righteous indignation regarding who the leader of our Nation is, but I for one must say that very little has changed in my life, financially or otherwise, under any leadership of our Nation. Since becoming a working person in 1990, my 401K and other investments, my job, my pay, my general outlook, has remained much the same under Bush1, Clinton, Bush2, and now Obama. Life goes on. Politics certainly can stir a sense of anger in me but as far as life goes, it goes on. We work, we save and we just have a different POTUS. The governing of the American people seems to remain quite the same regardless of who is in power. If we had a Nikki Haley POTUS or a Sarah Palin POTUS, life would remain the same for many of us in the less than 200 grand per year lifestyle. Politicians are just figureheads; they are the talking heads that promise enough to keep people quiet, cowed down, and feeling a Patriotic necessity to vote for them. I for one, don’t vote, don’t care and life doesn’t’ change much from one administration to another. Sorry to sound cynical, but that’s reality, invest wise, work hard, and it really doesn’t matter who is in charge.
Yes, but there’s so much more involved than your financial welfare, or mine. The President can and has sent young men and women to die in war. The President appoints Supreme Court Justices, who determine the laws under which we live for generations. Perhaps your own life doesn’t change much no matter who the President is. But the lives of millions are directly affected. You “don’t vote” and “don’t care?” So it’s all about you and your 401K? You don’t care about anyone but yourself? You don’t care about other people’s access to health care, about the quality of our public schools, about our young men and women dying in needless wars we plunge into for spurious reasons? But “very little has changed in my life?” So it doesn’t matter who’s in charge? AKPetMom, how self-centered and uncaring can you be? Please listen: it’s not all about you.
How do you think Track would feel if he saw your comment? You believe that Todd is not his father,
but you offer no evidence, saying only “There’s a lot of information out there on other blogs from people that believe it to be true.”
Within five minutes I can find “information” on other blogs that says George W. Bush orchestrated the 9/11 attacks. Or that Elvis lives. Or that Jesus will return to earth during our lifetimes.
But here I’d like to stay tethered to reality. And I’d like to maintain a certain standard of decency.
Many commenters are convinced Sarah Palin actually reads the comments on this blog. Please think for a moment that Track might, too. Suddenly he sees someone say that his father isn’t really his father?
Might that not be upsetting for a young man who has done nothing to seek publicity, or to cash in on the celebrity of his mother?
You write: “A few other things connected to the theory also suggested to me there was truth in it. In my opinion, the info that was discussed on various other blogs didn’t strike me as mean spirited, ugly/empty accusations…it made sense.”
Okay, fine. Then please go to the various other blogs to discuss it. But unless you bring evidence, this blog is not a forum for allegations that Track’s father is Curtis Menard.
Trig is different because Sarah’s own story of her pregnancy with Trig, the water breaking in Dallas, the ride back, the birth in Wasilla, etc. is so implausible and so undocumented. But, really, arguing that Todd married her when she was pregnant with Curt Menard’s child?
And even if it were true, so what? That’s a private matter from long ago. The story of Trig, on the other hand, helped her secure the Republican nomination for vice president when she was already a public official.
Incidentally, I just received an email from a trusted Wasilla source of mine who has known Sarah well all her life, and who feels that she’s become both loathsome and dangerous. In regard to your comment about Track’s parentage, this individual, no fan of Sarah’s, says: “People are ridiculous ….!”
End of discussion, at least here.
Claire McCaskill (senator from Missouri) is another Democratic woman to watch. She has done a great job here in Missouri, and I think she has a lot of promise in the national arena.
He is DEFINITELY being groomed for the presidency, SVV. My biggest fear is that when no one in the current field of Republican candidates looks like they can excite the base AND the moderates, Koch is going to trot out old Moderate Bob.
This is a VERY dangerous man, and people are not paying attention to him at the moment.
If Obama hadn’t done some right things after the economic collapse, unemployment now could well be 30% as it was in the Great Depression. Then your life would not be the same, even if you were still employed. Obama might have done more but he has been opposed all the way. Think how it would be if we had put the resources (money, blood) that we poured into the Arabian sand into education and social services in THIS country instead: I bet your 401K would be bigger. Different entities would have gained from that very different govt spending: universities and schools and health care providers instead of Halliburton and Big Oil, to name only a few. Think about when you get very old: will Social Security payments be there for you? Will Medicare? We are said to get the gov’t we deserve: We got way more than we deserved with Obama. We prob deserved McCain/Palin, esp if informed folks like you don’t vote: then we would now be on the road to very dark times that I bet would make a difference to you, just like in Europe in WWII.
Yes, I remember with disgust that Haley faced bigotry from her own state party when she ran for governor (I think it must have been the primary). I can’t recall the slur against her, but it was something like ‘towelhead’! My god these people are disgusting. You would think that people like Haley and Jindal would hear this sort of thing and decide the party was not the place for them…but I suppose for a conservative, they have no choice but to put up with working alongside people that despise them for their heritage as there is no alternate conservative party. I can’t imagine how it is really…we want them to see the light and change parties but it’s not likely. But how do they reconcile that? I can’t imagine. In Australia our first aboriginal MP was a member of the conservative party (bear in mind aborigines are a very small minority in the voting areas of Australia, hence the very low representation) and I wondered the same thing. How did he reconcile joining the party that refused to apologise to his community for their past mistreatment?
I do not agree with AKPetMom.
In fact I’m shocked, though I know it is the attitude of many American non -voters.
Perhaps she hasn’t been and currently isn’t affected by whoever is the President, but a huge number of people are.
If nothing else by the wars waged under George W. Bush. At least his father held back on going into Iraq.
Personally I’m appalled at the calibre of the Republican candidates.
Here in New Jersey our current Governor, Chris Christie is a disaster. And certainly not presidential material.
I’d also like to see a sustained examination of all the front groups that seem to spring up in advance of a Palin money-maker, be it an upcoming speech, or, in the most recent instance, her upcoming movie. Two examples: The Liberty & Freedom Foundation and Organize4Palin. The sole purpose of the former seemed to be as a publicity and ticket request portal for a couple of Palin speeches. Meanwhile, Organize4Palin’s “under construction” website does not provide much content other than promo copy for her upcoming movie and an email submittal field to collect email addresses (which are bought and sold among the various rightwing organizations with constant frequency – it’s truly a currency in these circles). It does not provide a single contact for a state affiliated Organize4Palin group.
Someone clearly recognized early on what an ATM Palin could be. I strongly believe this person/these people are always behind the scenes helping to set up these dummy groups that give the impression of being legitimate organizations, but in reality just help to bring in the money.
AKPetMom has been regularly posting since Sarah’s announcement, so the “I don’t care” theme of her comment doesn’t really hold water. She would not be spending the incredible energy of monitoring blogs & writing from an Alaskan standpoint if she really didn’t care. I read the comment much as Joe did – a bit in horror – but from her history, I know better. Alaskans are a funny bunch, and I’m as tired of explaining that as she is. Historically most Alaskans have not been very engaged in our politics – and this is not the place to go into why or how this has shaped our state. If Joe has really done his research both then and now, he knows this, too.
That said, I recognize her tired spirit. I have certainly not agreed with you many times over the last years, AKPetMom – we live in very different parts of state and I’ve always felt that Valley folks were pretty insulated. I don’t say that lightly as I have very deep roots there. You would probably think the same of my region from afar, in a different way as I doubt you have been here. That’s Alaska. We are both near and far from each other. We are connected and disconnected.
I think your spirit needs a break, and a rest. It’s high summer – leave the blogs for awhile. It’s almost time to start picking berries and watching for bears. Come back later, or not at all. There are many on the job of showing Sarah to be the complete punk that she is. She is not your fault, or my fault, and to hell with those who think she is.
“There was never a doubt in my mind that Todd wasn’t Tracks dad……and good for you at trying to stop that slander…….I see Track and Todd and I will never believe that it is any other way….father and son….there are those that will push the limits of tackiness….”
Cirrus, I second you: I too have been reading AKPetMom’s very good posts for a very long time. She is one of the good guys. Obviously (from my comment above) I do not agree with her post, but I also find it very uncharacteristic of her MANY good posts over this long time. Just want to say Hi AKPetMom, and take care. We are all tired of this. I am soooooo hoping Joe’s book will make a big difference, and Sept is getting closer all the time.
I was being a shithead, I admit it. I don’t really post very much any longer but I have grown weary of the ongoing battle between “sane” and “absolute crazy”. I agree with everyone that I have become a snarky, cynical “not fun to be around” type of poster and I’ll reign that in with future comments. I just can’t believe that the 25% of Americans that do not possess any sense of intelligence, manners or overall kindness receive the loudest media coverage. It makes me so angry that I say stupid things, so sorry Mr. McGinness and the other wonderful commenters that have to put up with my bad behavior. I admit it, I’m no fun to be around at times and I’ll keep it under my hat unless I decide to play nice. I just wish that the good part of America, the strong part, the smart part, the part that can improve things for even the 25% that votes based on personality, or looks, or religion would have more of a voice than the hysterical quarter of Americans that are all too willing to give up their personal freedom to a group of people that would treat them in a different way than they expect.
The SouthPark 911 episode that aired in 2006 had a fabulous quote that was used many times in the episode; it’s not nice, but it seems to be true: 25% of America is retarded.
Those 25% get the most media coverage and seem to have the loudest voices and it becomes trying at times. Sorry to be such a “down clown” and I’ll really try harder to be a better person. If anyone here actually knows me, they would find my postings and comments to not at all be in line with the person that I really am, in public, and with my friends. My friends remark about my sunny disposition and positive outlook; go figure.
I guess we all have to vent sometimes.
Thanks very much for this. I admire you for expressing second thoughts, and so candidly and eloquently. Believe me, I know what you mean about having to vent sometimes. You’re always welcome here.
AKPetMom and Joe — I you both. I have been watching Sarah Palin since she was chosen by John McCain for VP candidate, and then within a day or two was accused of lying about Trig Palin’s origins by a diarist on DK.com — almost three years ago! Then the diary was “disappeared” (Error! 404) and the story was suddenly and mysteriously squashed. Ironically, that is what clued me in that there might be something to the accusations. Otherwise the diarist’s claims could have just been definitively refudiated with hard evidence that Sarah did give birth to Trig, end-of-story, right? Scandal and disgrace for ARCXIX, victory for Sarah… right? The Soviet-like disappearance of a credible, easily disprovable accusation against Sarah Palin on a supposedly liberal blog, is what first made me suspicious. I have never been back to the site since.
AKPM, I am really familiar with you as a commenter on this subject from the very, very beginning. I agree with you that the president doesn’t have as much of an effect on our lives as some propagandists try to convince us he does. Your example may have seemed a little selfish, but we are all guilty of that at times.
I appreciated Joe’s response too. For many of us, our involvement with the US Government is seemingly limited to its role in our personal financial lives. For the military, the poor, the elderly, children, the disabled, criminals, and of course, large for-profit corporations, among many other individuals and entities, the federal government’s role in their destiny is much more evident. George Bush didn’t ruin this country, Barack Obama is not ruining this country, and I hope Sarah Palin will never have even the slightest chance to *not* ruin this country. If anyone is going to ruin the country, it will be those of us, and I include myself, who don’t stand up to the Corporatocracy that owns our legislative branch and both major political parties. The corporations are doing their job – to maximize profit – and we need to do ours… BE INVOLVED in GOVERNMENT (by voting). We need rules to protect non-stockholders, non-financiers, and non-CEOs from the profit-first crowd, to protect the US economy from global corporations who are only nominally “American”, to protect our people from being ripped off, exploited, unduly repressed, or poisoned, and to preserve our beautiful planet from nuclear and/or pollution-related destruction — and *consequences* for breaking those rules. Somehow the rules and consequences system is being dismantled (excepting young black men and Muslims, for whom it’s being ramped up). Lies, ripoffs, poisonings, despoilings, and other egregious, antisocial behaviors across the USA go unchallenged and unaddressed, seemingly more than in times past.
Joe, I hope your book will help some Sarah Palin fans and other conservatives who have “stayed out of it” or “have no opinion” on Sarah Palin because they think they don’t care or find it unseemly to question certain things, start to question their grasp on what is TRUE and what is FALSE, and to trust reliable, unbiased witnesses and verifiable facts instead of the wild stories of someone whose quest for power and money is totally dependent on the public’s unquestioning nature. ahem SarahPalin cough.
Is anyone else REALLY tired of those “country” home decor signs that just say “Believe”? I am. They’re really popular. Some of my friends have them.
I HEART you both… LOL
AKPetMom and Joe — You are both terrific. AKPM–your credit is good with me, always has been, for a long time. Joe–you are a prince to be forgiving and welcoming. Thank you both for cheering me up.